ゲームボーイアドバンスSP ヒンジ付きメタルハウジングセット
このシェル キットの設計では、必要に応じて変更が可能です。はんだ付けをせずに部品を差し込むことができる可能性があります。ハウジングの側面には、ヘッドフォンジャックとType-C充電用の穴も開けられています。すべての部品を OEM のままにすることを選択した場合は、未使用の穴を埋めるポート ブロッカーが含まれています。注: 真鍮のハウジングは非常に密度が高いです。ヒンジが余分な重量を支えるのに問題がある可能性があります。
- 金属製フロントハウジング
- 金属製リアハウジング
- 金属製LCDフロントハウジング
- 金属製 LCD リアハウジング
- 金属製の LCD 背面パネル カバー
- 金属製バッテリーカバー
- 接着剤付きプラスチックバンパー
- プラスチック製ブッシング (金属と金属のヒンジの動きを防止)
- これらのアップグレードを行わない場合は、取り外し可能な金属プラグ (Type-C およびヘッドフォン ジャック穴用)
- 純正サイズのバッテリーを備えたオリジナルの任天堂ゲームボーイアドバンス SP 電子機器 (任意のバージョンの電子機器)
- プラスチック製の電源スイッチ、音量スライダー、ショルダーボタン
- ヒンジ
- LとRの金属ポストとスプリング
- ボクシーピクセルディフューザー
- プラスチックまたは金属のボタン
- OEMまたは新品のシリコーンゴム(ボタンの後ろ)
- オリジナルの OEM スクリーン、またはより明るい IPSにアップグレード
- 小型のフィリップス ドライブと小型の六角ドライブ (1.5mm) が必要です。
- Type-Cコネクタのアップグレード
- コンパクトバージョン 3.5mm ヘッドフォンジャックのアップグレード
- レーザーエッチングのアップグレード
- Type-C ワイヤー - 28 ga の細い絶縁ワイヤー (2 本の電源ワイヤー)
- 3.5mmヘッドフォンジャックワイヤー - 4本のワイヤーが必要です。 30 ga 以下が適切です。ワイヤーの管理が難しいので、エナメルワイヤーが最適です。

These parts are not mass produced and we use multiple machine shops, so surface finish, texture, and color may vary between batches. Colors may also look different depending on your screen, the lighting, and variations in anodizing.
Please be sure to review our refund policy for cancelled and returned orders.
We cannot change the value of the shipment and sadly we do not have control over your particular country's fee/tariffs/taxes.
Brass parts come as machined and may show oxidation/discolor (due to being exposed to air) and some small machining or small scratches may be present. Assume you will need to do your final surface finishing using a flexible 3M sanding pad. (The 3M 7448 usually works well). After polishing, clean and apply clearcoat, poly, or other coating to maintain the shine. Note Brass is also very dense (heavy) and conductive. Consider in some applications, these attributes may have adverse effects. (ex. The SP hinges will not support the screen as well). If used with electronics, it is advisable to use kapton tape, insulating paint, (nail polish may work) to prevent electrical shorts.
Out of stock? Signup for our out of stock notification on this product page and check our product availability page
Assembly Instructions
International Customers
We are located in the USA, and want everyone in the world to experience Boxy Pixel products worldwide! It is important to understand a few points:
1. There are two shipping methods available. DHL and USPS (United States Postal Service). DHL is very fast and comes with insurance, but can be expensive. The USPS slow shipping we offer can take many weeks, is not reliable, and is not insured.
2. If you do choose uninsured USPS for your international shipping, we do offer third party insurance to help in case it gets lost. This is "route" insurance. It is not expensive, and is worth the cost. Deselecting this option at checkout will waive all insurance. If your package is lost, we unfortunately cannot send a refund or replacement.
3. If an item gets shipped back to us due to delivery problems, we would need to charge additional fees if you would like to attempt delivery again.
4. Return shipping is the responsibility of the buyer
5. We are prohibited from shipping batteries outside of the USA.
These parts are not mass produced and we use multiple machine shops, so surface finish, texture, and color may vary between batches. Colors may also look different depending on your screen, the lighting, and variations in anodizing.
Please be sure to review our refund policy for cancelled and returned orders.
We cannot change the value of the shipment and sadly we do not have control over your particular country's fee/tariffs/taxes.
Brass parts come as machined and may show oxidation/discolor (due to being exposed to air) and some small machining or small scratches may be present. Assume you will need to do your final surface finishing using a flexible 3M sanding pad. (The 3M 7448 usually works well). After polishing, clean and apply clearcoat, poly, or other coating to maintain the shine. Note Brass is also very dense (heavy) and conductive. Consider in some applications, these attributes may have adverse effects. (ex. The SP hinges will not support the screen as well). If used with electronics, it is advisable to use kapton tape, insulating paint, (nail polish may work) to prevent electrical shorts.
Out of stock? Signup for our out of stock notification on this product page and check our product availability page
Assembly Instructions
We are located in the USA, and want everyone in the world to experience Boxy Pixel products worldwide! It is important to understand a few points:
1. There are two shipping methods available. DHL and USPS (United States Postal Service). DHL is very fast and comes with insurance, but can be expensive. The USPS slow shipping we offer can take many weeks, is not reliable, and is not insured.
2. If you do choose uninsured USPS for your international shipping, we do offer third party insurance to help in case it gets lost. This is "route" insurance. It is not expensive, and is worth the cost. Deselecting this option at checkout will waive all insurance. If your package is lost, we unfortunately cannot send a refund or replacement.
3. If an item gets shipped back to us due to delivery problems, we would need to charge additional fees if you would like to attempt delivery again.
4. Return shipping is the responsibility of the buyer
5. We are prohibited from shipping batteries outside of the USA.

Give your Classic electronics a new life!

Parts cut from a solid block of billet aluminum

Each part is anodized for long lasting protection