ゲームボーイアドバンス部品 - カスタムゲームボーイアドバンス

Gameboy Advance Mod を使用すると、レトロなゲーム デバイスを現代の芸術作品に変えることができます。プラスチックのハウジングを当社のアルミニウム シェルに交換し、バックライト付き IPS LCD に交換し、充電式バッテリーを追加して、完全にカスタムのゲームボーイを作成します。



20 製品

Game Boy Advance CNC Machined Metal Shell - Boxy PixelGame Boy Advance CNC Machined Metal Shell - Boxy Pixel
Universal Adjustable Build Fixture - Boxy PixelUniversal Adjustable Build Fixture - Boxy Pixel
Metal Game Boy Advance (GBA) Cartridge - Machined - Boxy PixelMetal Game Boy Advance (GBA) Cartridge - Machined - Boxy Pixel
CNC Machined Game Boy Advance EZ Flash (Definitive Edition) Metal Game Cartridge - Boxy PixelCNC Machined Game Boy Advance EZ Flash (Definitive Edition) Metal Game Cartridge - Boxy Pixel
Laser etching service Game Boy Advance - Boxy Pixel
Game Boy Advance (GBA) IPS V2 LCD Kit - Boxy PixelGame Boy Advance (GBA) IPS V2 LCD Kit - Boxy Pixel
Game Boy Advance (GBA) 3d and electronics bundle - Boxy Pixel
Game Boy Advance Machined Shoulder Buttons - Boxy PixelGame Boy Advance Machined Shoulder Buttons - Boxy Pixel
Rechargeable 2000mAh Battery (US Only) - Boxy Pixel
Game Boy Advance 3D Printed Housing - Boxy Pixel
Game Boy Advance Machined Buttons and Directional Keypad - Boxy PixelGame Boy Advance Machined Buttons and Directional Keypad - Boxy Pixel
Game Boy Advance LED Light Pipe Diffuser - Boxy Pixel
Game Boy Advance Replacement Plastic Buttons - Boxy PixelGame Boy Advance Replacement Plastic Buttons - Boxy Pixel
Game Boy Advance IPS Screen Adapter - Boxy Pixel
PAM8302A Audio Amplifier - Boxy PixelPAM8302A Audio Amplifier - Boxy Pixel
Replacement Machine Screws - Boxy Pixel
交換用小ねじ セール価格$2.90
Gameboy Advance Replacement Silicone Buttons - Boxy PixelGameboy Advance Replacement Silicone Buttons - Boxy Pixel
28 ga Wire - 28" - Boxy Pixel
28 ga Wire -28" Total Length セール価格$2.00
Type C Battery Charging Board With Protection - Boxy Pixel
1n4001 Diode - Boxy Pixel1n4001 Diode - Boxy Pixel
1n4001 ダイオード セール価格$1.00