Assembly Guide - DMG with Raspberry Pi (DMG CM3) | Boxy Pixel
This document is a work in progress and may not be comprehensive of every detail and assembly requires at least average do it yourself skills.
Important notes
Note 1: It has been brought to our attention that some kite PCB's use different board components that hold/snap in the CM3 module. (the piece that your CM3 module snaps into). If yours is black, you will have interference with the shell. See here for a simple solution:
Note 2: Just to confirm, this metal shells is for the CM3, not the CM3+. The CM3+ is thicker and since the rear housing touches the module, it may damage your PCB.
Step 1- Prepare the Kite power switch PCB. As part of Kite's kit, there is a push button that must be soldered into place. This is the "mode" button. When used in the Boxy Pixel shell, the two legs on the mode switch must be bent 90 degrees before soldering. This is done so the button can be pressed from the backside of the shell. (instead of the side). See below for an image showing the completed piece.
Step 1a - Prepare the Kite main PCB. If you are using rear buttons, you may now want to solder/connect the wires for the main kite PCB. You may also want to consider connecting the wires/connections for the joystick if you are using one. Please refer to Kite PCB installation instructions for details. May be a good time to plug in the speaker connector pigtail now.
Step 2- Make the connections between the power switch PCB, the USB PCB, and main PCB using Kite's supplied push to connect parts. Now is also a good time to connect the grey ribbon cable between the USB PCB and the main PCB. See below showing completed connections.
Step 2a - Before installing the power switch PCB, drop in a plastic button. (shown below) There are several included in the Hoolyhoo PCB kit. I can also upload an stl part if you need to 3d print.
Step 2b - Below shows the location of the plastic push button
Step 3- Install the power switch pcb and the stock DMG plastic power switch into the rear aluminum shell. Fasten with 2 fasteners.
Step 4 Install the USB PCB and fasten in place.
Step 5 - Add a light layer of conductive paste to the rear housing integrated heatsink. Plug in the fan into the PCB. Take care with these small wires. Place the fan in place (fan vent pointing down)
Step 6 - Bring Main PCB into position. Manage the fan wires and fasten the main PCB with 3 fasteners. Make sure the grey ribbon cable doesn't get in the way of the heatsink touching the PCB!
Step 7 - Install the joystick and fasten with the two short fasteners. These fasteners are a close fit thru the joystick holes, but do fit. It's best to add a spacer of some type on the backside of the joystick for a more durable install.
The joystick will need an adapter, and an understanding of the pinouts. Here is a pinout diagram:
0.5mm 1.0mm to DIP 2.54 FPC/FFC Flat Flexible Cable Adapter Board Connector
Step 8 - Install your A,B,X, Y buttons, D pad and silicone.
Step 9 - Drop in the LCD into the front housing. Connect the LCD to the main PCB. Be very careful with the thin LCD ribbon cable!
Step 9 - Guide the rear housing and PCB assembly into place. If you haven't already, connect the joystick and joystick adapter.
Step 10 - Install 4 fasteners to connect the front and rear housings together.
Step 11 - Plug in the battery from the rear access, to verify the function
Step 12 - Install the speaker and battery.
Step 12a - On the early release parts, I have included a 3d printed part in your shells. This will help to locate the battery so it does not rattle around. See below showing it's location. (The pcb is not installed in the image) A fastener will hold it in place.
Step 13 - Solder the 4 soft rubber nipple switches to the Hoolyho PCB. Solder/connect the wires to the Hoolyhoo PCB thru hole connections.
Step 14 - Install 4 buttons (Nintendo DS Lite buttons) into the Boxy pixel rear access panel. Install the Hoolyhoo rear PCB to the rear enclosure access panel.
Set the PCB in place.
Step 14a - Install two fasteners and washers (as needed) to install the 4 button PCB. There are some very short fasteners included that will hold this PCB. You may need to use up to 3 washers to install the two fasteners and your fastener may be black or silver. Use your best judgement, and Do NOT overtighten!

Step 15 - Completed assembly shown below. Verify buttons function without binding. Install the rear access panel using 3 fasteners
If you're having issues related to your electronics, here is a source for help: